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Thursday, 1 May 2014

Summer Updates

Been MIA for quite sometime. Been so busy lately with stuff. Anyway I have decided on my internship and I just realized I have no summer (ohmy goodness), factoring in all my commitments.

Here it is:

Summer Internship (5th May - 15th Aug)

Reservist (7th July - 12th July)

OCSP (13th July - 31st July)

Adding on my usual schedule on the weekends

Sat 9.30am -12.30pm
      2.30pm - 4pm
Sun 2pm -3.30pm

I am so packed this coming summer that I probably wont have time to breathe. But the thing is, I love how I am spending it so constructively. Hopefully it won't take a toll on my body or something :D